Retailer of Local Products

The Fourth Trimenster

Empowering and inspiring moms through fashion, in-store workshops and small business collaborations to meet the need for stylish, comfy maternity clothes. The fourth trimester when moms need so much love and support.

More than maternity. We carry products from over 80 Canadian women owned small businesses. We host workshops with other small businesses such as Bring Your Own Craft Night and Fitness Friday. We are always looking for guest speakers at our weekly Tuesday & Wednesday Coffee & Convos moms group. Please reach out if you want to get involved!


5015 111 Street NW Southgate Centre, Second Floor
Edmonton, Alberta
T6H 4M6

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Meet the Makers

One member from the Edmonton Made community is highlighted every Tuesday in Edify Magazine’s weekly Ed. Home & Style newsletter. Sign up for free to meet makers and discover the coolest things about our city.